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Religions and Philosophies of Life in Epigrams

Hellenism says, “Be moderate; know yourself.”

Epicureanism says, “Be calm; enjoy yourself.”

Stoicism says, “Be strong; control yourself.”

Confucianism says, “Be superior; correct yourself.”

Buddhism says, “Be detached; enlighten yourself.”

Hinduism says, “Be mindful; merge yourself.”

Judaism says, “Be holy; behave yourself.”

Islam says, “Be submissive; bend yourself.”

Existentialism says, “Be authentic; create yourself.”

Pragmatism says, “Be practical; accept yourself.”

Materialism says, “Be industrious; maximize yourself.”

Aestheticism says, “Be refined; cultivate yourself.”

Christianity says, “Be unselfish; give yourself.”

I have adapted and expanded these epigrams from an anonymous source. Can you correct, add to, or improve upon them?


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on April 14, 2009 11:08 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Why Most People Believe in God.

The next post in this blog is Honor.

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