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May 2008 Archives

May 6, 2008

Human Nature and the Christian Way

Human nature wants to have its own way; Christians submit to the will of God (James 4:7).

Human nature looks out for its own interests; Christians work for the good of others (Philippians 2:4; 1 Corinthians 10:33).

Human nature is eager to receive honor and reward; Christians ascribe all honor and glory to God (Mark 10:17-18; Acts 12:23).

Human nature fears shame and contempt; Christians are happy to suffer reproach for the name of Jesus (Acts 5:41).

Human nature expects pay for its services; Christians volunteer without asking for a reward (Matthew 10:8).

Human nature attends carefully to worldly affairs; Christians pay attention to things eternal (2 Corinthians 4:18).

Human nature grieves at any loss of goods; Christians lay up treasure in heaven where none of it can be lost (Matthew 6:20).

Human nature is greedy and grasps more readily than it gives; Christians are content and esteem it more blest to give than to receive (Acts 20:33-35).

Human nature finds comfort in material things; Christians seek comfort in God and God’s people (2 Corinthians 1:3-4).

Human nature takes pleasure in friends and relations who are like-minded; Christians show love for everyone, even their enemies (Matthew 5:44-46; 22:36-40).

Human nature cultivates the rich and powerful; Christians are impartial, treating rich and poor alike (James 2:1-9).

Human nature is quick to complain; Christians bear patiently with courage (Hebrews 12:1-2).

Human nature desires recognition, praise, and admiration; Christians desire humility and eternal wisdom (James 3:17-18).

The more, therefore, that human nature is controlled and overcome, the richer is one’s Christian walk.

Adapted from Thomas à Kempis, The Imitation of Christ, book 3, chapter 54

About May 2008

This page contains all entries posted to Trite but True in May 2008. They are listed from oldest to newest.

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