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Advice to My Sons Upon Graduation from High School

1. Develop your talents. If you do what interests you--and do it well--you can make a living and find satisfaction in your work.

2. Experience all you can. Continue to grow and expand as a human being. Widen your horizons. Give your life balance.

3. Never shun the difficult. Life will require you to prove yourself over and over again anyway. Relish the challenge.

4. Search for good teachers. A great teacher will make any subject worthwhile. Take the teacher, not the class.

5. Be gracious to others. Respect their feelings. Believe in their sincerity. They will respond to you in kind.

6. Be ready to laugh at yourself and your work. Laughter is uniquely human, so cultivate your sense of humor.

7. Smile whenever you can. Human relations are important. Smiles lubricate human relations by putting others at ease.

8. Criticize sparingly, if at all. Always criticize instructively.

9. Do nice things for people. Buy someone a soda from time to time. Give a little gift. Do someone a service or a favor.

10. Try to leave everything you touch a little better than you found it.

11. Practice the art of serenity and detachment. Never blame others for what happens to you. Never make excuses.

12. Take care of your body. Eat in moderation. Get enough sleep. Exercise daily. An investment in good habits will pay off as you grow older.

13. Be as modest, cheerful, and polite as you can. A combination of quite competence, good humor, and common courtesy will find its reward.

14. Learn from the New Testament what your attitudes should be. Live the ideals of Matthew 5-7, Philippians 2-4, Romans 8 and 12.

15. Marry a sincere Christian. It can make all the difference in the happiness of your life.


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